Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Elizabeth and Hazel: Hope Delayed

I have just finished reading a book entitled "Elizabeth and Hazel: Two Women of Little Rock, the moving story behind the later-in-life meeting of the two primary subjects in an infamous post-segregation photo. In September 1957, Elizabeth Eckford was among nine black teenagers designated to desegregate Central Little Rock High School following the Brown vs. Board of Education decision to integrate. She was supposed to walk alongside her fellow prospective students for their first day of classes, guided by adults, but, on the morning of the arranged walk, one of these adults forgot about Elizabeth and she was forced to walk alone amidst a terrifying gauntlet of hostile whites, one of whom was a girl her age named Hazel Bryan, whose venomous facial expression was frozen on film for all time as she stood in the crowd behind Elizabeth, who was captured leaving the building after being turned away. This experience, along with the torment visited upon Elizabeth and the rest of the Little Rock Nine in the halls of Central, left behind deep emotional and psychological scars that so traumatized Ms. Eckford that even when she and Hazel Bryan Massery formed a friendship in their older years, she was mistrustful of Hazel’s motives for reconciliation , Hazel felt there was nothing more she could do to convince her of her sincerity, and their fragile short-lived accord fell apart. Upon reading of this unfortunate development that could’ve held promise, I was struck by the realization that I could see both sides of the issue, the black and white of it, so to speak. The brutal oppression of Southern slavery and the overt and institutional racism in both the North and South have left many in the black community feeling just as mistrustful of white peoples’ motives as Elizabeth. Conversely, there are many in the white community who are working to undo the ugly legacy left by some of their ancestors. Understanding both sides of this painful and long-standing issue feels like the essence of what it means o be and identify as biracial. Knowing that this barrier must be breached is what it means to be a good citizen and a moral human being.

Elizabeth and Hazel: Hope Delayed

I have just finished reading a book entitled "Elizabeth and Hazel: Two Women of Little Rock, the moving story behind the later-in-life meeting of the two primary subjects in an infamous post-segregation photo. In September 1957, Elizabeth Eckford was among nine black teenagers designated to desegregate Central Little Rock High School following the Brown vs. Board of Education decision to integrate. She was supposed to walk alongside her fellow prospective students for their first day of classes, guided by adults, but, on the morning of the arranged walk, one of these adults forgot about Elizabeth and she was forced to walk alone amidst a terrifying gauntlet of hostile whites, one of whom was a girl her age named Hazel Bryan, whose venomous facial expression was frozen on film for all time as she stood in the crowd behind Elizabeth, who was captured leaving the building after being turned away. This experience, along with the torment visited upon Elizabeth and the rest of the Little Rock Nine in the halls of Central, left behind deep emotional and psychological scars that so traumatized Ms. Eckford that even when she and Hazel Bryan Massery formed a friendship in their older years, she was mistrustful of Hazel’s motives for reconciliation , Hazel felt there was nothing more she could do to convince her of her sincerity, and their fragile short-lived accord fell apart. Upon reading of this unfortunate development that could’ve held promise, I was struck by the realization that I could see both sides of the issue, the black and white of it, so to speak. The brutal oppression of Southern slavery and the overt and institutional racism in both the North and South have left many in the black community feeling just as mistrustful of white peoples’ motives as Elizabeth , conversely, there are many in the white community who are working to undo the ugly legacy left by some of their ancestors. Understanding both sides of this painful and long-standing issue feels like the essence of what it means o be and identify as biracial. Knowing that this barrier must be breached is what it means to be a good citizen and a moral human being.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Passing for Biracial: Part 2

A recent New York Times article profiled some college-age youth whose views are converse of those who are steadfast in strictly defining racial categories based on our society's history. It highlights those who refuse to fit into one box or another. Kudos to them, and may more biracials, young and old, be encouraged to speak out their truth.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Passing for Biracial

According to a recent study on ethnic identity, more black/white biracials are identifying as black, and as might be expected, there are those who say "duh, what else would you call yourself?" I of course, cannot speak for others' experience, however, for my part, there is a reason why I and some others like me, identify as biracial. Biracial, as with any other identity, speaks to a way of being that cannot defined within the sometimes strict categorizations of race used in our society. It is a certain way of viewing the world, of ideas, and sometimes even of speech that defy pigeonholing. It is vital for everyone to function within the space they feel most comfortable without trying to push others to fit into it. That is why I'm passing for biracial.